Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I want a "reset"

I hear often that "nobody can live on minimum wage"... well, I DID. I paid my mortgage, utilities, etc with no problems. Even was able to go to dog shows now and then. I was able to buy a book when I wanted it, or new clothes if needed. I could go to a movie on the weekend if I so desired. I was able to rescue dogs and/or contribute to rescue. I did quite a bit of transport then. That was BEFORE President Obama. I still make minimum wage, but now I have lost my house, can barely pay the rent and electric bill. Forget buying a book or going to the movies. Haven't been able to do that in well over 2 years. Same with going to a dog show, even a local one. No way I can help with rescue anymore, not even transport. The only reason I even have cable is that it is included in my rent. Rent is due again Friday, and I don't know where the money will come from. I don't have it. I drive for a living(Pizza Hut). I put close to 100 miles A DAY on my car. Gas was under $2 a gallon three and half years ago. Now gas is $3.84 a gallon. I used to be able to cover that 100 miles with $10 worth of gas, now it takes $20. The only reason I can afford to eat is that yes I have enrolled in food stamps (I would rather I didn't have to). And still Obama talks about "investing" in this that and the other. Word to the clueless; government "investing" = spending. Spending money they have to TAKE from someone else. Government doesn't make anything, certainly not money. The Fed is now printing money like there is no tomorrow (QE3, google it). At the rate they are printing money there will be no tomorrow. IT MUST END NOW. The thought of four more years of this is terrifying at the very least. I want a "reset".